Earning a “Tick, with indelible ink.” USB DAC + Media Player review
The first approach to Computer Audio playback is not for the faint-hearted. A list in hand is a given!
Soundstage!Australia‘s reviewer, Edgar Kramer, kindly walks the enthusiast through such a list from the perspective of REDGUM’s combination of USB DAC and Media Player.
Known together as the Aggregata Stack, he is immediately reassuring, finding that “products like the REDGUM Audio RGDAC8 and RGMP8 digital playback system come along and may just change the playing field.”
No, that is not code for “Let’s add even more complexity!”. Quite the opposite, offering
simplicity +
functionality +
“an exceptional detail retriever” +
lack of clutter +
this REDGUM combo knows how to stack up to the user’s advantage*.